how to removed my profile

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well this site has not worked out for me how do i removed my profile
And Why it not working out for ya mate
well mate from what i have seen first hand how two faced some are on there is one rule for new members then if your in the group so to say .you can do what ever you like and your right ....its a joke
It's your call mate, i only been on here a few months so i know what it's like been a newbie and everyone on here seems fine, the only drama i have had is the same as what i think you have had too, is when you are keen to get into it being a newbie and ya commit yourself to many things which im guilty of too and ya sit back for half hour and see all the other cards and offers come through and realize i wish i never commited to it.
There is alot of long time members on here who prol get sick of the back and forth and uderstandably get sick of it ( my fault on this too) but ya just got to go fair enough my bad and move on and usually all is cool.
As i said it's your call mate but it's a good site just chill for a while a suss out whats going on and take it and your own pace and you will prol enjoy it and get along with everyone.
Easiest way is to just not log back on. But if it's all over the incident with bainey? Then Thats just petty, considering you were at fault as much as he was....... But hey, if ya cant take some responsibility on the chin then maybe it isn't t place to be! Would be a shame to see any member leave over one small incident that wasn't handled properly by either party!
Dont want to come of 'preachy' but you cant expect to get along with everyone.
Most of the people here are pretty cool. Dont let one negative experience sway you off the site.
From what ive read, the incident was quite minor... (a $50 'deal or no deal' gone bad or something??)
Its not as if you got ripped off or anything...
If after minor disagreement you want to pull the pin, then thats fine. The easiest and most simple way to do it is simply not log on.
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