Home Made Cards Selling?

Their Miesha Tate cards started popping up in my saved searches in April. Surprised nothing has been done about them, given how litigious the UFC is.

And tbh they're pretty terrible. Bland front, Powerpoint looking back, and rough etching job on the photos.
I emailed them last month asking what the deal is.

They said theyre a new card company.

I said wheres there shop etc?

They said they only sell on eBay.

I asked 'How much did you pay for the rights to use these Exum photos on your cards because I know the photographer who took a few of the pics your using?'

I never heard back...

Thats true by the way, I do know the photographer and he is talking to a lawyer about them using his intellictual property.

wow, interested in knowing the outcome of that one!