Games Reviews


Dom Wilkins Collector
Sunshine Coast, Queensland
Real Name
eBay User
Got a great game, or just a game you would recommend.
Let us know and post whatever relevant information you can share.
Does not matter what device you are playing ... PS4, XboxOne, PC, Wii, iPhone, Android etc, if you think its worth sharing drop your thoughts in this thread.

I will start with this:


Metal Gear Solid : The Phantom Pain.
- This is game of the year nomination from me.
I had never played a metal gear solid game prior to this and was totally blown away by this game.
Open world games, I am always a fan of. The developer, definitely has a very quirky sense of humour and it permeates every aspect of this game.
The only part I do warn people about is the hour long cut scene start, hence I didn't give this game a 10.

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Fallout 4

- Another brilliant open world game. First Fallout game I have played and I am sold straight away.
Graphics are good but gameplay is where its at with this title. Always a quest for better armour and weapons and settlement building is fun.
Recommend this to anyone.
Got a great game, or just a game you would recommend.
Let us know and post whatever relevant information you can share.
Does not matter what device you are playing ... PS4, XboxOne, PC, Wii, iPhone, Android etc, if you think its worth sharing drop your thoughts in this thread.

I will start with this:


Metal Gear Solid : The Phantom Pain.
- This is game of the year nomination from me.
I had never played a metal gear solid game prior to this and was totally blown away by this game.
Open world games, I am always a fan of. The developer, definitely has a very quirky sense of humour and it permeates every aspect of this game.
The only part I do warn people about is the hour long cut scene start, hence I didn't give this game a 10.


I was a huge fan of the first 4 MGS's, played them so many times I lost count, I think Snake Eater was probably the best one (#3). I haven't got to this one yet - don't have the time that I used to 10 years ago haha!

Fallout 4

- Another brilliant open world game. First Fallout game I have played and I am sold straight away.
Graphics are good but gameplay is where its at with this title. Always a quest for better armour and weapons and settlement building is fun.
Recommend this to anyone.

I got this at Christmas and I feel I've barely made a dent in the game. It's awesome
I am level 74 and I am still finding areas I have not seen before. Love a game like that.
nice! I think I'm in the low 20's. Haven't played it for a while as i'm playing the free download game DC Universe which has a map just as big and im almost at playoffs in 2k so they have my interest right now haha

League of Legends

8/10 -
Free to play MOBA, very similar to DOTA and SMITE for those that have played those.
This is possibly one of the biggest games on the planet, with the players of the championship series taking home in excess of $1 million in prize money.
Only factor that detracts from this getting a 9/10, is the gaming community, they are the worst of any game I have played.
That is saying something seeing as I have played COD and America's Army competitively.
As a new player it is very hard to start out, as you will probably get abused by the experienced players.
If you are thinking of taking this up, and want a little help learning the ropes, TenguNinja is my username, flip me a message and say you are from OzCard and ill jump in game with ya.


9.5/10 -
Got 2 hours of gameplay chalked up on this game thus far and its brilliant.
Everything DOOM fans were hoping this game would be. Graphics, gameplay and most of all the weapons are spot on.
Like the original, nothing like charging into battle with the Chainsaw and hacking the demonic infection into little pieces.
If you were a fan of the original or any of the following games, then this is a must play.

Uncharted 4: A theifs end


Easily the best game I've played or seen on the next gen consoles. This game is Visually amazing and has you stopping just to take in the views. The game stays true to what made the first three great and goes above that standard. The new grapple hook is a cool feature as well. I truly can't think of anything I didn't like about this one, A must if you have or are thinking of getting a ps4.

Uncharted 4: A theifs end


Easily the best game I've played or seen on the next gen consoles. This game is Visually amazing and has you stopping just to take in the views. The game stays true to what made the first three great and goes above that standard. The new grapple hook is a cool feature as well. I truly can't think of anything I didn't like about this one, A must if you have or are thinking of getting a ps4.

So bummed this didn't get released on PC ... made me almost consider buying a PS4.

Uncharted 4: A theifs end


Easily the best game I've played or seen on the next gen consoles. This game is Visually amazing and has you stopping just to take in the views. The game stays true to what made the first three great and goes above that standard. The new grapple hook is a cool feature as well. I truly can't think of anything I didn't like about this one, A must if you have or are thinking of getting a ps4.

Agree 100%, although I would have liked some form of stealth weapon.

Wrapped up the Platinum Trophy just this week, and not I'm devo'd I'm no longer playing it.

Shadow Warrior 2

8.5/10 -
Only played this for a couple of hours so far but I am loving it.
Great mix of humour and action done just right.
Graphics are not on par with a lot of the bigger name games around but the action and gameplay are great.
Huge range of weapons and upgrades assure you don't get stale with your gameplay.
So glad to see this pop back up!

Picked up a copy of GTA5 this morning, I haven't played any GTA game since GTA3 on PS2 so it's been a while between drinks.

Thoroughly enjoying it so far, very much enjoying the ability to enter buildings in detail which from memory wasn't an option back then.
So glad to see this pop back up!

Picked up a copy of GTA5 this morning, I haven't played any GTA game since GTA3 on PS2 so it's been a while between drinks.

Thoroughly enjoying it so far, very much enjoying the ability to enter buildings in detail which from memory wasn't an option back then.

One of the 2 games I have been holding off a purchase of, that and Witcher 3.
San Andreas was the last in the series I played and thoroughly enjoyed that.


- Enjoyed the hell out of this game, picked it up on sale on Steam for $7, so makes it that much sweeter.
Graphics are not super brilliant but this is a few years old now but that in no way affects gameplay.
Semi scripted, semi open world game, in as much as you get led to particular parts of the city as the storyline progresses.
What you do and where you go once you get there is totally up to you. Tons of secret stuff to find, hidden rooms etc.


- Enjoyed the hell out of this game, picked it up on sale on Steam for $7, so makes it that much sweeter.
Graphics are not super brilliant but this is a few years old now but that in no way affects gameplay.
Semi scripted, semi open world game, in as much as you get led to particular parts of the city as the storyline progresses.
What you do and where you go once you get there is totally up to you. Tons of secret stuff to find, hidden rooms etc.

Geez mate $7 goes a long way lol.
I used to work at Game back in the day and my mate who worked with me loved this game
Completely forgot this thread was here!

Horizon Zero Dawn (PS4 exclusive & single-player only)

I recently spent some 90-odd hours completing the Platinum Trophy for this game, and cannot NOT recommend it enough!!

You play as 'Aloy', a young huntress with a destiny filled with self discovery.
Set is a massive open world with dynamic weather across multiple regions (bushland, desert, snow, mountains, etc). There's 100s of NPCs to interact with, both ally and foe.

I won't give any form of spoilers, but I will say I found this game to be very Tomb Raider-ish, which I considered a good thing.
A young woman, equipped with a bow, and a will and determination to get to the bottom of something. You collect natural resources to construct ammunition and healing items, as well as earning XP to unlock skills to aid in battle.

Did I mention is has robotic/metal beast machines, too?!?! :)
You can also learn abilities to "override (tame) these beasts, which can aid you in battle, as well as be ridden to assist with navigation around the map.

The game is massive, really it is. So much to do, so much to collect.

It was developed by Guerrilla Games (you might remember Killzone back in 2004?), and uses the "Decima" game engine (the same one that Kojima will be using in his upcoming "Death Stranding" release), and it really stands out as a front runner for GOTY contention for 2017.

There's also a new expansion DLC coming in November, called 'Frozen Wilds'.

If this says anything, as of June 2017, it had sold some 3.4m copies, making it the 2nd best selling PS4 game (behind Uncharted 4), says a lot for a new IP title.
anyone play 'crossout'? its an MMO...RPG i guess? but with cars. its got a real 'borderlands' feel to it...but with cars.
you build/design a vehicle with weapons/armor, then go and kill other peoples vehicles in a 6vs6 demolition derby type deal. pretty good game. and its free.

i finished 'the fractured but whole' a few weeks back aswell. no where near as good as 'stick of truth'. theyve changed the gameplay a bit, made the whole thing easier and much shorter. the script/story isnt as funny either.

finally gonna get around to playing fallout 4 properly now...

One of the 2 games I have been holding off a purchase of

did you end up playing this? i got a free PC copy if you want it...
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anyone play 'crossout'? its an MMO...RPG i guess? but with cars. its got a real 'borderlands' feel to it...but with cars.
you build/design a vehicle with weapons/armor, then go and kill other peoples vehicles in a 6vs6 demolition derby type deal. pretty good game. and its free.

i finished 'the fractured but whole' a few weeks back aswell. no where near as good as 'stick of truth'. theyve changed the gameplay a bit, made the whole thing easier and much shorter. the script/story isnt as funny either.

finally gonna get around to playing fallout 4 properly now...

did you end up playing this? i got a free PC copy if you want it...
Mate that would be bloody awesome !!!!

Player Unknown's Battleground 8.5/10

Battle Royale, explains this game perfectly indeed it was taken from the movie of the same name.
99 guys parachute out of a plane onto a deserted location. Last man standing wins!!
You have to scavenge around to pick up weapons, armour, meds etc as you land with nothing but the clothes on your back.
For me was game of the year for 2017, concept was a breath of fresh air and a welcome change.
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