Folders for one-touch glass-like loaders


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As the top loader binder has been an exceptional show stopper during the latest card release being supremacy, it appears that one touch loaders don't fit very well in them?

Now a while ago a member recommended me going to my nearest super cheap Auto store to look out for these rego plate holders that could perhaps do the job but turns out they no longer have them.

Bottom line is how do most users on here store and/or display their one touch collection???
These cards are simply too beautiful not to display, I feel locking them away in a box doesn’t do them justice (though obviously would keep them safer incase of break in)
This shelf was built by my dad and brother for his DVD collection years ago, just got some cheap touch lights from shiploads and a box of ultra pro stands and voila

Pic is obviously a little dark, but I’m more just pointing to how I have them displayed rather than what they are