Ever wanted to ask a comic book pro anything?


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Well here is your chance I've lined up an artist who is going to answer some questions for us so I thought some of you may want to throw some up and i'll send off as many as I can and tell them to pick and choose what they want to answer. He is an exclusive Marvel artist and has worked on Hulk related stories, Spider-Man, Fantastic 4 and a host of other titles so make your questions great!!
I'd like to know -
who is his fave character to draw?
If he could have drawn (or been the creator) of any character who/what would it be?
If he had a super power what would it be?
Maybe something about the process - how is he approached to do a job, what is the normal timeframes etc.?
How does he find it/he transfers from hardcopy to digital
something about his drawing "education"
favourite medium to work with.
Describe the first time you saw your own work published
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