
I like the idea but I think the hardest thing would be getting people to join in. You may also get some people adding value whilst others just trying to get rid of bulk base etc.

It got me thinking though.

I run a trading card website called It allows collectors to track their collection, send cards in to us to be Vaulted (scanned and added to their collection) plus also has a marketplace (for items in the Vault).

Maybe I could build a feature where sellers can send in to the Vault a few 30, 40 or 50 card lots designated as 'Mystery Packs'. These could be added to the Marketplace with the seller nominating a price (as we will scan all the cards into the Vault, we can identify to the buyer how many base cards, how many inserts etc are in each pack). Then when purchased off the marketplace, the buyer gets to see what they bought and the cards are automatically added to their PC on tradigram. The buyer can either send them home or sell the individual cards on the marketplace...
I like the idea but I think the hardest thing would be getting people to join in. You may also get some people adding value whilst others just trying to get rid of bulk base etc.
I appreciate the reply. Yes, I certainly agree that some people would add value and others may send common cards.

My thinking is that either is ok, as long as it's fun.
I like the way both people would have to take a chance on whether the quality of what they send will be reciprocated.

As well I think everybody's collecting style and budget is different, so I would see any blind swap as legitimate, if it was done in good faith on both sides.

I'm very happy that this has been an interesting idea to consider for your website. And wish you best of luck.
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