Choosing a place to grade and slab!


Evansville, IN 47714
Real Name
Mitchell W Baldwin
eBay User
My main hobbies are collecting shoes and cards. I have to take a break from purchasing either one right now because I have got to get my collection straightened out and the right ones slabbed. Where is the best place to send them right now. The top two take way to long to get back to you and cost way to much for the average joe to be able to do what he wants with his collection. Granted no one is gonna have the clout that those two have. But someone has to fill in that spot where normal people can send their cards to get graded and slabbed. Where to you guys think that’s gonna be? I can’t really make a solid decision. Help me out guys!!! Thanks in advance…also let me know your reasoning please.
I would buy a card in each slab you might go for - BGS, PSA, HGA, SGC maybe. Then decide what you like. If it’s PC stuff you are going to keep forever then it doesn’t matter what the case is,
pick your fav. It might matter if you intend to sell later or for your kids to sell eventually.

I have a couple BGS because I wanted to know sub grades. This also makes it easier if I wanted to cross over to PSA.

with the massive moves by Collectors Universe I feel they will be the industry leaders for 10+ years easily. People just feel safe with the case and the rep behind it now. Once the backlog is cleared it will be awesome so if it’s resale you are after it’s definitely PSA. You can check this by comparing last sales of identical SGC vs PSA vs BGS cards. Massive differences.
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