caths mail month


Real Name
decided to put up the cards ive gottn in the last month as its only a few, my collecting has slowed considerably in the last months, due to lack of funds and me being more selective with my purchases,
anyway enough chatter
the nate reflections is from hsv ta mate, the kirk/gordon from mx477(i think thats his username) and Nate authentic sig (which is my fav) was from ebay and the deshawn redemption(love those) is from vlad , thanks so thats it , Enjoy
yeah he has a great sig and its a constant one to hasnt changed at all, which is good
Awesome pickups Cath - I'm sorry I didn't realise you collected Nate before I traded it [rookie debut auto] away to Brad LOL us girls gotta stick together..... lol
thanks for the comments guys
aj- dont worry mate thats cool if ya get another one give me a holla
lippo-still collecting kirk, just havent seen much of his around lately
cath15 said:
thanks for the comments guys
aj- dont worry mate thats cool if ya get another one give me a holla
lippo-still collecting kirk, just havent seen much of his around lately

Dunno the chances... but wouldn't that be freaky if I did... I could become the Nate Auto pulling genius... lol

actually pulling genius sounds bad... good thing I'm not a guy LMAO
wolvesjr34 said:
Dunno the chances... but wouldn't that be freaky if I did... I could become the Nate Auto pulling genius... lol

im sure nate would be a very happy man then