Another one!


Tag Team Quads 93/94
Auckland, New Zealand
Real Name
I have been after this one for ages as well...

A guy who used to be on this forum pulled it (from memory) and I've been after it since. We never got anywhere with our initial discussions and then he no longer came on here. However I've emailed him every so often trying to negotiate something and then we'd have a long break of no communication (April was last contact). Then I emailed him again last week and we came to an agreement really quickly. I'm delighted to reveal this one:

Especially unique because of the black logoman for Westbrook - before the Thunder had proper uniforms they wore the black meshy ones (look at most of his RCs) and this is the logoman from one of them!! How cool is that!
Wow that is awesome dude, really nice patch on the westbrook =]
Well done G !!! Does that mean you only have 4 more to get ? Once you finish the set, you should change your username to "not so angry QuadTagman"

Nah this was one of the two in transit, so there are 5 more to get that aren't already on the way.

They are:
Webster/Roy/Aldridge/Fernandez (this one was lost in the mail on the way to me already once...)

Anybody know where one of those are..?
Damn dude, you're insaneeeeeeeeee!!!! Only 6 left to go????!!!
Persistence does have its rewards! Good job on finally landing it!