1995 Fleer Ultra X-Men Chromium & 1997 X-Men: Timelines

I can help you with these, fresh from a box I opened about 3-4 weeks ago.

Metal Blasters:

3) Cyclops
4) Gambit
9) Punisher
12) Spider-Man
13) Storm
18) Wolverine

Gold Blasters:

3) Cyclops
4) Gambit
13) Storm
14) Thing

and I think I have a spare 4 card metal promo uncut sheet.
Amazing... They used to like cost a lot during their glory days.. I was horrified to see a set of 1994 Fatal Attraction Xmen inserts ending at $4.25 a while ago..
They were like really difficult to find complete in a set
Just 1 card to go, any help acquiring this card will be greatly appreciated.

1995 Fleer Ultra X-Men
Promo Card:

1995 Fleer Ultra X-Men Wal-Mart Preview (featuring Wolverine)