06-07 UD Reserve 16 Box Case Break JOIN NOW!!!!


Florida, USA
Real Name
Hey guys, i am running a 8 box break from of 06-07 UD Reserve, its only $21 and you are guaranteed 2 hits, GUARANTEED!!!!


All you have to do is paypal me $21, and say who you are in the payment description.
Hey, matey... Just one or two questions about the break... how does it work exactlly? This may be a stupid question, but we don't get a sealed box, do we? It seems like you break everything online, and send us the hits from our nominated boxes? Is this correct?
When will the break be occurring? Or do we get sent the box??

the break will happen once all 15 spots get filled. and you dont get a box. what happens is before i break each box, ill pull 4 names out of a hat, and whoevers name i pull first gets the first hit, second person i pull out gets the second hit, and so on. so your guaranteed 4 hits most likely all out of different boxes, that means you could get more than 2 autos, also you get 2 team drawn at random to keep the base and inserts of. and $38 is a good price considering the boxes themselves are $45 each but you get the same guarantee for only $38

yes that is correct, read my reply above and it should tell you everything you need to know
Are you saying your gonna to break one box for each person. So for person 1 you draw a box out randomly then break, and that person gets all the cards in that box.

Also could you do something besides from Ud reserve, perhaps chronology,ultimate or trademark moves?
no im not doing the 16 box case, im doing 8 boxes. and each spot is $21 and your guaranteed 2 hits.

and jordan23, read my previous posts and the video, it explains how im doing it.
yes there are about 6 spots left, you guys are welcome to join, only $21 for a guaranteed 2 hits. I break 12 box at a time and upload each video after im done. and then i send you the cards that you get.
cmon guys, i cant be changing up what im breaking, i only have 5 spots left, its only $21 for a GUARANTEED 2 hits and you get 2 teams for the base and inserts.