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    MLB-looking to complete sets

    Beckster, Your an absolute legend!!!!!=D> Thanks for going through your collection and posting. I'm still going through my sets at the mo, but so far you have 6 1990 Donruss that I need, only about 100 to go. I'm just going through the Topps sets so I'll let you know. cheers.

    MLB-looking to complete sets

    Mat, I am missing around 20% of each of these sets. Currently getting a full list of card numbers on a spreedsheet, so I can send lists out. Thought I would start the ball rolling and see who out there can assist. If you give me a few days I can PM you my lists.

    MLB-looking to complete sets

    :) Hey folks, looking to complete the following MLB sets: 1987 Topps 1988 Topps 1988 Score 1990 Upper Deck 1990 Donruss I have numerous doubles of these and would be willing to trade what I'm missing for what your missing. Or buy/sell for $. (but trade is preferred) I currently have...

    CROMBIE buys from Allstar cards

    Boxes arrived safe and sound in post today. Deal completed. Thanks Marcus.

    CROMBIE buys from Allstar cards

    Just purchased from Marcus 1 box of Series 1 2007 topps and 1 box Series 2 2006 UD MLB. Paid via Paypal. Looking forward to busting my first box in over 15 years!!!!!!!!!!!!! WoooooHoooooo.

    Cops picked on the wrong person!

    Just read this thread, and while i see it's a bit old thought I would add to it. I am assuming that the Tassie legal system works similar to SA's if so the following points for you. The basis for all criminal allegations is "he who alleges must prove" and in SA it's "beyond a reasonable...

    Card grading info required

    Graham thanks for the reply, much appreciated. Since posting I managed to located the search facility and read previous posts re this topic, but your response summed it all up nicely. I am keen to take you up on your offer to check out some of my cards and will PM you in the next day or...

    Card grading info required

    Hey folks, For those that have recently read my intro post, you'll know that I have just recently gotten about 9000 MLB cards back into my grubby little hands. Now considering getting some of my favorites graded, as well as some others for sale/trade. Question is...With the current $AU...


    Thanks for the welcome guys. For info Mattingly's rookie year was '83 so any series in '84 will have the card you're looking for, the pick of these would be Topps Tiffany. Cheers


    Hey folks, Chris here, doing the intro thing.... Currently in Adelaide. Lived in Toronto Canada from '88-'92 and collected Major League Baseball cards. My sister has kept them safe for me since I returned back to Oz. But I now have them back, very interesting going through cards that I...
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