Opinions on custom card - 1966 Philadelphia Colin Ridgway


Collects Aussies in the USA (MLB, NBA, NFL, WNBA)
Canberra, ACT
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eBay User
G'day folks. I usually make custom baseball cards of the Australian Baseball League, but collect Aussies from all US sports.
I was a bit frustrated about the lack of a card for Colin Ridgway, the first Aussie to play in the NFL, back in 1965, so I decided to make my own card for him - a replica of the 1966 Philadelphia Gum card design (seeing as he debuted in '65, '66 would have been the first card of him.) Only problem being that I've been unable to find any colour photos of him and have needed to colourize an old B&W photo.

I've been having real problems with the skin tone, and thought I'd canvas other people's thoughts.

Here is my original card design:


As you can see, Ridgway's got a very brown skin tone.
I did try a more fleshy skin tone and came up with this


I think if you see the "brown" card in isolation, it looks OK, but the skin tone doesn't look good after seeing the lighter flesh version. Having said that, I don't actually overly like how the lighter flesh looks. It looks a bit too fake and cartoony.

Does anybody have any preferences or thoughts between the 2 different skin tones?

Also, FYI, if you aren't familiar with it, here's what the original card set looked like. I'm still working on the card back for Ridgway.

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