Marvel Greatest Heroes


Nonsport - Comics/SciFi
temporarily UK
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2 cases plus a few loose boxes. It's a great set with some really interesting chase sets. Anyway, here's the sketch scans. Characters and artists are best guesses, to be corrected as people who know about Marvel fill me in :)

Bellamy Hellcat / Cowan Vision / Cal Slayton D-Man
Rorie Wonderman / Bulda Quicksilver / HDR Black Panther
Davis Hulk / Bellamy Captain America / Axebone Wasp


Nick Yakimovich Swordsman / Fodra Giantman / Rodrigo Martins Daredevil
Magno Scarlet Witch / da Silva Ronin / Jayson Kretzer Falcon
Javier Gonzalez Wonder man / Magno Binary / Hall Spider-Woman


Minor Iron Man / Rooth Black Panther / Geneta Thunderstrike
Fodra Captain America / Kristin Allen Sersi / Kincaid Nikki Gold
Foreman Spiderman (stealth suit) / Fontanez US Agent / Streb Giant Man

I'll be keeping the Martins Daredevil. I also really like the Rooth and Geneta sketches.
Great sketches. The character you named with ??? I think might be The Encanhtress. But she usually has a green head piece :\

And that is Spider-man, just in an alternate costume. Can't remember what it is called.
Lol that spiderman is confusing.. It's not 2099, and its not black spiderman, and I don't think it is ultimate spiderman, or scalet spiderman.. GEEZ! It looks like the symbiotic one.. which turned into venom or something, I am really unsure lol.

Nice pulls non the less, the matias is great, and the davis hulk. The davis' look good when all put together. The hall is neat too, you can probably get some decent coin on that one... although his paintings are hard to sell.
I broke 4 boxes last night, not sure on the artists but one was a hulk sketch by mauro fodra. And got a captain America shadowbox, 8 more to break this afternoon. Will post after that :)
Ok here are my first 8 pulls, 4 more to go after this.

Hulk by Adam Cleveland/Namorita by Mary Bellamy/Black Knight by Cal Slayton
Hulk by Mauro Fodra/Moondragon by Axebone/Quicksilver by Jake Minor

Thor by Alen Geneta/She-Hulk by Alex Magno


Would love some help with character and artist names :)
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