Completed Green Oval & joeyhonson


Newcastle NSW
Real Name
eBay User
Green Oval to receive 5 x NRL Traders Retirement cards, an Elite Aust Rep Boyd and a set of 3 Elite Triple Threat (Knights) cards. Joeyhonson to receive $$

Hey Mark

Did you get my postal address from the message details I posted with my Pay Pal payment?

Hi Dave,
Paypal address comes up as a UK address. Just wanted to be sure. I went off a Paypal address a while ago that stated someone was from the US but they had moved to Aust about 3 months earlier and hadn't changed their address on the system. They sent me a message a couple of days after I had posted their item telling me what had happened and in a complete panic. Found them in the end but it went around the world in the process lol
Hi Mark

yes I have had the same where ebay address is different to what comes up on pay pal

yes UK address that is why I typed it in the message note page so you would know it wasn't an automated address

27 Lanshaw Crescent
Leeds LS10 3NN
West Yorkshire

Elite is going well and look pretty good but doesn't stack up on ebay pricewise, just watched 2 autos finish without a single bid on either $180 and $125
Yeh, I'm hoping those autos come down a little bit more before I start trying to finish my set. OCT has been good as far as trades. I have 8 each of the sensations, Future Stars and FF Golds.
Will get those cards away for you in the morning. Cheers Dave.
Hey Mark

I think that is happening already, now that people are aware that 2 autos are appearing in the same box
Yes plenty up for trades on here.

Only Knights for me

Album, Base set Knights Parallels and Inserts is the way I have been going of late

Good Luck with completing your set, hope you get them cheap enough

Look forward to receiving the cards

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