Diet Coke : My Poison - A search for truth and a healthier life

Saw an article the other day saying based on current child obesity rates our children will have a lower life expectancy than us.

A lot of it is down to drinks like this. Pretty scary.
Humans are living longer than ever and were all going to die of something so lets go out with a bang!!!!

Going out with a bang is driving your Ferrari fast while some hottie gives you a BJ, and spinning out and hitting the wall and bursting into flames. Woooooooooooo!!!

These poisons it will be more like a slow, drawn out, get fat, lose your hair, but you can't figure out what it is until you're bleeding from the rectum kind of death.....
Going out with a bang is driving your Ferrari fast while some hottie gives you a BJ, and spinning out and hitting the wall and bursting into flames. Woooooooooooo!!!

These poisons it will be more like a slow, drawn out, get fat, lose your hair, but you can't figure out what it is until you're bleeding from the rectum kind of death.....

Well when you put it like that.... Mount Franklin here we come!!!!
What's the latest here Matt? Off the poison drinks?? I got off cold turkey not long after reading this six months ago or what ever it was.

Awesome effort Steve!
I'm down to a can once a week or so at a family lunch or dinner, pretty happy with it, it had a grip on me that's for sure!

Main improvement I'm proud of is water intake - up from about a litre a month :lol: but seriously yes it was (the rest was diet coke, water from other beverages which doesn't count!) - to 1.5 -3ltrs a DAY! And loving it!

Adding in some lemon juice or lime juice or fresh kiwi or frozen berries - makes it even better :D

Doing a detox at the moment - milk thistle (tablets), wheat grass once a week, flaxseed oil or hemp seeds daily and a colon cleanser tea (not too much detail there I hope! :lol: ) and bought a juicer (which is epic!) and got a water purifier on the way. Also vegetarian on the way to vegan or raw. Huge diet changes, feeling heaps better!
5 cans in the fridge then all done!!!!!

no more buying at shopping! :thumbsup:

Well, haven't bought any while doing the grocery shopping so no lie there but do grab a can while getting a takeaway or something. Gotta freakin stop it!!!! And I KNOW what it does to your insides..... so stupid.




I drink around 2 litres a day when not working and around 1 when I am working, with 5 kids and working my butt off just to stay afloat with the state of affairs that our country is in at the moment then I need my coke just to keep me moving and awake, because many times my body says let's sleep but the brain says no no no you have another shift after this lol
Wow what a huge read... there was 2 hours spent on that!! I come from a very obese family and about 3 years ago I saw a sight I just wasn't happy with. Jumped on the scales and it was 99.8 and I #hit myself. Started me on a massive life change and one of the biggest things was I was a 2litre + coke drinker a day also. Always had an excuse as I was in excavation and the work was long and hard 60+ hours a week but I knew things had to change.

Basically all I changed in the first year was coke for water... I felt great and dropped 20kg's from that one little thing! Once I felt great from that I just progressed into more healthy food and activities and it is amazing how much your better you feel it is basically indescribable and now I am at the point that any binge on anything bad leaves me feeling ridiculously terrible!!

From what I read a lot of people had there eyes opened by this thread whether they changed or not is irrelevant as long term just knowing will more than likely change the path you are heading on, and completely felt the need to chuck in my little story.
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