2014/15 A-league cards?

I stopped at Tommy its a slow burn will let you know when I open the rest - what year is it ....
Tommy Oar" t-shirts sound good lets hope he gets a run in Asian cup tonight and scores
I will swap it for My I love Tap N Play top

Hey Jaames see your a Seahawk those patriots are hard to beat ...

Yeah man big Hawks fan. Pats are very hard to beat but I think our D is to much for Brady to handle :)
For those interested in TnP's overall approach, the following has been posted on one of the cricket threads associated with that latest release from TnP

I Have been chatting with the guys from Tap "N' Play about the limited design, Errors, Lack of Autographs and got the followng Correspondence back you may find interesting.

"Yes all are good points. Our first year was hectic as we only had
confirmation of the contract in late September so design and speed to
market were the priorities. We had to air freight the first 30k packs
at great expense so we are in this for the long haul and expect to be
producing series for many years to come. Next year design and planning
will begin in May which permits much greater scope for ratios and
special inclusions.

We have spoken to Cricket Aust about Year 2 already and the signature
cards are HIGH on the list for inclusion. We already have a few
legends and current players saying they are happy to participate so it
will definitely be a feature next year."

Hopefully that sentiment also flows into future a-league/football releases.

Matt - Any news yet on the 10 year a-league anniversary release, or has that all been shelved??

Now if only they could show a bit more love to us collectors of their first release and help us finish it, then I wouldn't have to keep banging on about it on this thread.

Grabbed a few more packs the other day from a couple of newsagents (because I'm a sucker for punishment), and surprise, surprise still no Melb City cards. Even if TnP could just tell us the newsagents who have boxes from the 2nd and 3rd batches we might stand some sort of chance.
For those interested in TnP's overall approach, the following has been posted on one of the cricket threads associated with that latest release from TnP

Hopefully that sentiment also flows into future a-league/football releases.

Matt - Any news yet on the 10 year a-league anniversary release, or has that all been shelved??

Now if only they could show a bit more love to us collectors of their first release and help us finish it, then I wouldn't have to keep banging on about it on this thread.

Grabbed a few more packs the other day from a couple of newsagents (because I'm a sucker for punishment), and surprise, surprise still no Melb City cards. Even if TnP could just tell us the newsagents who have boxes from the 2nd and 3rd batches we might stand some sort of chance.

I don't think its as easy as telling you which newsagents would have them.

The reason for the delay in the cards hitting the market is due to the way the printers of the A League cards (no longer being used) printed the cards.

They printed batches of them which were packaged and sent out for sale.

Out of the three batches the last batch is when they decided to print the Melbourne City cards. Why? Who knows?

A large portion of this batch was was purchased by the A League to give out to young members as part of a promotion.

In relation to any upcoming releases, I know plenty of concepts have been put forward to the A League but I haven't heard any of those if they will come to fruition?
I don't think its as easy as telling you which newsagents would have them.

The reason for the delay in the cards hitting the market is due to the way the printers of the A League cards (no longer being used) printed the cards.

They printed batches of them which were packaged and sent out for sale.

Out of the three batches the last batch is when they decided to print the Melbourne City cards. Why? Who knows?

A large portion of this batch was was purchased by the A League to give out to young members as part of a promotion.

In relation to any upcoming releases, I know plenty of concepts have been put forward to the A League but I haven't heard any of those if they will come to fruition?

Thanks for the update Matt.

Well at least we know there are Melb City cards out there, so some of the boxes containing them must be in circulation. Enough for all of us to finish the set??...another 'who knows' question I guess. :)

Guess I'll just keep banging on, helping other collectors of the set, and maybe find them....
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Can't believe it has been some 3 months since I posted on this forum for the first time way back on page 5 of this thread on 17 October 2014, having just busted a box of these cards.

What I thought would be a simple task of buying a box, getting the complete set of what is just a set of common cards, and then helping my son collect autographs of the players has become much, much more....

Here we are 3 months later still no closer to completing the set of base cards, but have met a wonderful bunch of collectors along the journey. In many ways it is like King Arthur's search for the holy grail, and more hours than I care to count have been spent on this quest and no signs yet of any light at the end of the tunnel.

So happy 3rd month to those of you, who like me have been battling to complete this set. Well done! =D>

Thanks to everyone who has helped me along the way in swapping cards, without your support I don't know how I would have managed to acheive the majority of the set.

I know there are still some collectors out there battling to get some cards for the set. Keep posting your want lists and trades and together we might get there.

I'm willing to help collectors out who have shown a genuine commitment to the set, so PM me if you need/trade cards or if you are just wanting to share war stories.

Keep strong!! ...and for those Monty Python fans...time for the trusty servant Patsy to start banging those coconuts together as we continue the search for the holy Grail, being the 9 missing cards in this FFA set, into the 4th month.
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Re A - League / Socceroos set – First Edition

*Some highlights - As a long time card collector this base set has been most intriguing to collect the fact that it’s been a random chance has actually made it exciting to have a new card player in town - did we really want to just but one box and get a set of commons. Ha Ha who want to go halves in another box.....

- The selection of Socceroos and Matildas players has been pretty good and great idea also the additional card not listed Mathew Leckie – offset by no card for Kruse & Ryan - TnP did well with players list & A league okay

*Some room for improvement

The two cards that have not been sighted by any collectors in any batch and appears no confirmation that they were actually printed unless I am corrected Tap N play have no samples.* Bailey Wright - Socceroos* Ivan Franjic - Brisbane Roar card

- Who can forget printing issues with Melbourne City cards and their odd release through A league promo?
We have had limited sightings however no collector obtained actual card.. until Peter who has scored some

I spoke to Tap N play and explained If we cannot realistically collect the set the good will that the collector community has afforded to support tap n play will evaporate I also inquired if any chance of a special re print run of the First edition on a small scale to give collectors a chance to finish their base sets – okay a long shot due economics of scale etc. etc…

Credit to Tap N play – as Matt has already advised previously they confirmed due issues with printing and collation of cards through supplier these problems now fixed for future releases and let’s look forward to chaser cards and special releases.

Tap n play trying to do their best to help have sent me out a couple of sample MC cards for free they are in good condition corners damaged but as they say beggars can’t be choosers

Let’s hope we can obtain more cards as they start to hit the market….or go underground like on these forums …so all collectors like Todd & Mike can finish their set ….maybe like Mike earlier post this is our life long quest for the Holy Grail….. a card collectors dream!


Samples pictured are David Williams & Nicholas Kalmar

Scoot off

Lovely sentiments Scoot, but let's be realistic....TnP are continuing to promote and sell cards when they know full well that collectors can not complete this set.

If it was any another product it would be subject to a recall notice and withdrawn from sale, and the manufacturer would be providing existing purchasers with an opportunity to fix the problem at no cost.

But what we have here is a manufacturer that provide a few sub standard cards to one collector who has complained as some token effort to appease the masses. Please be assured I am not having a go at you, and full credit to you for sharing this with us, as you could have just as easily just kept this to yourself.

But why just one collector - what is TnP going to do for the rest of us??

Did I expect to buy a box a card, get a complete set and move on - well to be perfectly frank - YES!!

I am tired of hearing the excuses about this set and how things will be better in the future- I don't give a s**t!!! Given the amount I have outlaid already, coupled with the costs of sending cards all over the country to help collectors out, it would be nice if TnP just sent me and other people who have bought directly off them with the 9 missing cards.

Is that too much to expect????? Clearly it is!

To paraphrase Darryn Hinch....Shame TnP Shame!
All valid points Mike... I love your straight shooting I am probably to diplomatic ... maybe we need a Card Collectors Ombudsmen or go to the top FFA

Yes like yourself I have also spent way too much money also...driving round to newsagents in suburbs and crossing city in search of cards in lunch hour probably collectors bug..(disease) ..and your right ...as I agree their are two cards that appear never to be located in Wright & Franjic , maybe I'm hoping TnP will make a statement on these and leave us with the Magnificent Seven !

I did put the request forward for special re run and believe TnP may have more samples??? who knows if we will hear any good news
I would think your views would resonate with most collectors on this forum and hopefully your efforts to support collectors is fully appreciated

You are a warrior and the War rages on look forward to next months post ..I have an idea will send you a PM
"Being honest may not get you a lot of friends, but it'll always get you the right ones" - John Lennon

Some else once said - you can't defend the indefensible.

It's time to call this set for what is it, and for TnP to do the proper thing and make it right. Only they can do that, and its about time they did!
You can't polish a turd.

Though it's been fun to watch. Gotta order more popcorn.

Agree, can't polish, but they come up a treat when you BeDazzle them!

The spare cards in this set do serve as a great family fun game, Snap.

If the FFA don't like any of the concepts for a new set of cards, they can just rebadge this existing product and sell them as Socceroo Snap! The fun we have around our table at home when the Tommy Oar cards appears.

Of course for variety they could do a SNAP pack for each team. No wait, there wouldn't be enough cards for a Melbourne City pack....

Another great marketing idea foiled at the final hurdle...pass the popcorn.
I had a chat with the team at Tap N Play and they wanted me to share this photo here. The Melbourne City cards do exist.


Collation issues I have been assured have been fixed for future releases and these cards will appear in the secondary market if they haven't done so already.

What about the Wright (Socceroos) and Franjic (Bris)???

Would the team at TnP like to show us that those cards exist as well?
What about the Wright (Socceroos) and Franjic (Bris)???

Would the team at TnP like to show us that those cards exist as well?

As my previous post I asked Tap N play to confirm these two cards Bailey Wright - Socceroos* Ivan Franjic - Brisbane Roar card actually exist as they have not been sighted by any collectors in any batch and so far Tap N play have not be able to provide even samples.* However I did not get a response to this question

However it is good to see that Tap N play have a set of Melb city cards maybe they will be auctioned off to highest bidder...... and they can
use the funds to re print run of the First edition to give collectors a chance to finish their base sets........

I think I tell my Son not to barrack for MV on Sat and buy a MC scarf go undercover and see if their any cards being given out for free at the Derby or should I say Darby as its a Melbourne game ....or if any one hears of any A league clinics send your kids along any kids they must still have plenty of cards to give out.
Totally agree Scoot, what is all this BS about appearing on the 'secondary market'.

Is TnP now going to be selling these cards via eBay. As if we haven't spend enough on this product already, we are now going to have to bid for the cards. What a crock.

Maybe we all should just be excited that ONE complete set of MC cards is now safely residing in a folder in the TnP offices. Fat lot of good that does us.

Maybe if we are lucky we might get to visit the office one day and marvel at the folder with those cards in it.

It is right that there is a warning label on the packs that these cards are not suitable for children under 3, because this product is truly a choking hazard!!!!
Hi guys
been biting my tongue for awhile now but as a great man once said "I'm mad as hell and I can't take it anymore!" This release has been a joke from the beginning...

The most disappointing thing has been how poorly the collectors have been treated with excuses and no answers. Why have football collectors in Australia been given such a raw deal no sets for 5 years next set is poorly distributed and now this dog of a collection. Actually that's not fair I like dogs.

Also they keep advertising to get cards but I have been searching around Brisbane and keep getting the same responses. Either they have never stocked them, didn't get more in or still have the first order (yes I'm that guy, the one that makes them look up the stock arrival date,)

I guess no one will ever get a full set so thanks TnP and FFA for wasting everyones time and money, maybe the next set will be better but how many have already been put off and won't bother. I'm still chasing 20 odd (not including the holy grails) from purchasing almost 2 boxes and if it weren't for the awesome community here it would have been a lot more
Rant over I feel much better now
Very nice rant!!!

The quicker this set is killed off the better. I am glad to hear that newsagents have stopped ordering because it means that other poor soles are not subjected to this product.

Of course the problem is that the retail shelf life of this product is Week 22, 2015, which is about mid to late May. If the cards aren't selling the stockists can return them to TnP, but I have no doubt that TnP are just holding onto the return and recycling them if stockists place new orders. So we still have some time to go before this set is officially dead. The simple solution is to stop buying, it is simply a waste of money.

send me a message Nathan with details of the 20+ cards that you are still chasing and I'll flick you what I have in spares. Hopefully I can help you get your set up to as close as the rest of us as possible.
Hi guys
The most disappointing thing has been how poorly the collectors have been treated with excuses and no answers. Why have football collectors in Australia been given such a raw deal no sets for 5 years next set is poorly distributed and now this dog of a collection. Actually that's not fair I like dogs.QUOTE]

Nathan once you have got your card fix from Mike let me know what's remaining might have one or two that I can flick your way.....
heading out tomorrow to find last remaining cards in eastern suburbs Melb that I know of yes probably 1st stock and if their still on first box not a great result... but good on you to keep asking when the stock comes in...never know your luck.... maybe we can take lead out of Mike for his Stock return date re card shelf life and in week 22 2015 we can all return our unwanted / unloved base cards en masse to Tap n Play as a sign of protest.........
or though we will keep the inserts.......
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